Busy Beavers

Let’s say I list out the following series of numbers. Can you guess what comes next?


Surprisingly, the next item is larger than 47 million, and the number after that is greater than the number of atoms in the known universe. The seventh number in the sequence is at least as big as 1010101018,705,353, while the later numbers get hopelessly larger. In fact, it’s been shown that the 8000th number in the sequence can never be found using mathematics as we know it.

This sequence is known as the Busy Beaver function. In other words, BB(1)=1, BB(2)=6, BB(3)=21, and so on. (If for whatever reason you find yourself in a “who can name the biggest number” competition 1, writing something like BB(10) is probably a good place to start.)

Weirdly enough, while we know how to define this sequence, we don’t actually know how to compute BB(n) for any n>4. Even the fifth number, BB(5), which we think is 47,176,870, isn’t yet certain. How is this possible? To explain, first we have to talk about…

Turing machines

A Turing machine is a sort of prototypical computer, invented by Alan Turing in 1936.2 Conceptually, a Turing machine can “compute” anything we can write out an algorithm for. This includes things like addition and multiplication, for example, but also anything we consider a “computer” to do, like running the Windows 95 operating system, or anything your smart phone does.

To understand what a Turing machine is, imagine you have an infinitely long strip of paper (or “tape”) divided into squares, and each square has a different color (say, white or orange). We’ll assume for now that initially, the squares are all white. In pseudo-code, let’s write this as follows:

square_colors = ["white", "white", ..., "white"]

A Turing machine has a program that tells it how to interact with this tape. It reads one square at a time, and based on its program it decides whether to change the color of the square (e.g., make a white square orange), and whether to move next to the left or right. For example, consider the Turing machine below:

position = 5 # arbitrary start position
while True:
	if square_colors[position] == "white":
		square_colors[position] = "orange"
		position += 1 # move right
	elif square_colors[position] == "orange":
		square_colors[position] = "orange"
		position -= 1 # move left

We might call such a program “orange obsessed”, as the machine will color every square it visits orange.

A 2-state Turing machine

A Turing machine can have multiple rules, called “states”. For example, the program above has a single state that we called “orange obsessed.” To make a 2-state Turing machine, let’s take our “orange obsessed” state along with another completely different state, plus some instructions for how to transition between our two states. We will also give our Turing machine an extra state (called HALT) which tells it when to stop running. Pseudo-code for our final 2-state Turing machine might look like this:

square_colors = ["white", "white", ..., "white"]
position = 5 # arbitrary start position
state = "orange obsessed" # initial state

while state != "HALT":
	if state == "orange obsessed":
		if square_colors[position] == "white":
			square_colors[position] = "orange"
			position += 1 # move right
			state = "optimistic"
		elif square_colors[position] == "orange":
			square_colors[position] = "orange"
			position -= 1 # move left
			state = "optimistic"
	elif state == "optimistic":
		if square_colors[position] == "white":
			square_colors[position] = "orange"
			position -= 1 # move left
			state = "orange obsessed"
		elif square_colors[position] == "orange":
			square_colors[position] = "orange"
			position += 1 # move right
			state = "HALT"

For the sake of personification, we can imagine that the above machine is committed to changing every white square it encounters into an orange one. When it turns a white square orange, it becomes “optimistic.” If it then encounters another orange square, it optimistically assumes that it must be finished with its work, and so it halts.

Counting our steps

What happens if we run the machine above on a tape filled with white squares? Play the animation below to see a simulation of this process. (The black circle indicates which square the machine is currently reading.) After you do that, click the button that says “Play next machine” to simulate one of the 20,736 different possible 2-state Turing machines.

Busy Beavers

As you might have noticed above when simulating random Turing machines, not every Turing machine will always halt. For example, some machines’ programs get them stuck in a loop, dooming them to repeat the same sequence of moves over and over again. Others simply never bother transitioning to a HALT state. In that sense, the program we described above is a little special, because it does halt. But how special, exactly? Let’s say we considered every possible 2-state Turing machine that does halt when run on an empty tape. One might wonder: Which machine takes the most steps before halting?

Now we can finally explain (well, somewhat) the sequence of numbers at the beginning of the post: The Busy Beaver function, BB(n), tells us the maximum number of steps a Turing machine with n states can take before halting.

The Turing machine we described above is in fact a 2-state busy beaver. In other words, there is no 2-state Turing machine that runs longer than BB(2)=6 steps. If you don’t believe me, try pressing the button above 20,736 different times and see for yourself :)

Why finding busy beavers is so difficult

How do we know that BB(2)=6? To verify this, we must simulate every possible 2-state Turing machine and run each one on an imaginary row of empty squares. We could then check that none of the machines that did halt ran longer than 6 steps, confirming that BB(2)=6. To find BB(3) and BB(4) we might consider using a similar process. But by the time we get to BB(5), two big problems arise:

  1. As I mentioned, there are 20,736 different 2-state Turing machines to consider. In general, there are (4n+4)2n n-state Turing machines. That means for n=5, there are more than 63 trillion different machines to run.

  2. Remember that BB(n) is the most steps a Turing machine with n states can take before halting. But as Turing himself showed 3, there is no way to decide in general whether a machine will eventually halt or if it will run forever!

This second problem is really the key one. Let’s say we’ve run one of our 2-state machines for 5,000 steps and it still hasn’t halted. Can we assume that it never will? Luckily, we already know that BB(2)<5000, which means this machine must run forever. But if we don’t know BB(n), then we don’t know how long we have to run a machine until we can be confident that it will never stop.4 Another way of putting it is that to compute BB(n), you’ll have to run all of your machines at least BB(n) steps to know whether your machines will halt or not. It’s like the joke where you’re on a bus, and you ask the passenger next to you if he knows which stop to get off at for the grocery store. “Sure,” he tells you. “Just get off one stop before I do.”

So now hopefully it’s a little clearer why we don’t even know BB(5) yet. We think it’s 47,176,870. But there are genuinely still some 5-state Turing machines out there being simulated on someone’s computer that have yet to halt. And we don’t yet know how to prove that they never will.

Notes and links

  1. “Who Can Name the Bigger Number?” by Scott Aaronson is a fantastic read. 

  2. “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem.” by Alan Turing (1936) 

  3. In the paper where he introduces the Turing machine, Turing shows that the “halting problem” (which is to determine whether an arbitrary Turing machine will ever halt when given a particular input sequence), is impossible to solve with a general-purpose algorithm. 

  4. The halting problem says that there is no algorithm that can tell us whether any program (e.g., a Turing machine) will halt when given a particular input. You can tell whether an arbitrary 2- or 3-state Turing machine will halt. But for the other ones, we’re on our own; people have to use a mix of procedures and heuristics to decide if a program is stuck in a loop.